Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Bob’s Tree Service can meet all of your land clearing and maintenance needs.

Bob’s Tree Service (BTS) offers a wide range of services to help with any construction cleanup or maintenance job no matter how big or small it is.  Starting out more than 50 years ago as a single man tree trimming service they learned to value every opportunity.  By priding themselves on hard work and honesty they have grown to include a fleet of specialized machines and a large yard of supplies.

Continuing the foundation of the business, BTS has trained specialists that can help keep trees trimmed and looking great.  They can also perform tree or stump removal if needed.  In addition to tree maintenance they supply high quality mulch and topsoil to help any yard look great and improve growth.  They even offer firewood to get you through the cold winter.

Over the past 50 years they have expanded their business into some impressive arenas.  One of the biggest areas of growth has been in demolition and land clearing.  It doesn't matter if the goal is redevelopment or revitalization, BTS has the experience and ability to get the job done right.

Another area they have expanded into is green waste recycling.  By recycling reusable materials they help reduce waste, lower impact on the environment, and can even save money.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

How to protect plants and trees from winter weather.

With winter here there are some basic steps that can be taken to protect plants and trees from the elements.  Of course this will vary greatly depending what types of plants you are protecting and how they are able to deal with cold, wind, and snow.

For potted plants it’s best to bring them indoors if possible.  Ideally it’s best to put them by a window that allows as much direct sunlight in as possible.  If bringing them inside isn't an option then covering them is the next step.  Temporary greenhouses are ideal but that isn't in the budget or time frame for most people.  The idea is to keep them sheltered as much as possible.

Trees obviously can’t be relocated inside or even covered.  There are some simple tips that will help trees withstand the winter and be ready to thrive when spring rolls around.  The first is to avoid pruning them until they are completely dormant.  If they are pruned to early it will encourage new growth.  The new growth will not be able to withstand the winter and can make the tree more vulnerable.  Spreading a layer of mulch around the base of the tree will also help.  The mulch will act as an insulator and help keep the roots warmer.  Make sure to leave a space around the trunk of the tree to keep rodents away.

Monday, October 20, 2014

How has demolition changed to be more environmentally friendly?

Demolition work is constantly changing as new ways are being developed.  Companies are looking for more efficient methods that are also more environmentally friendly to remove structures.  Statistics show that up to 30% of all landfill in the United States is from construction and demolition.

As technology has improved new methods are being developed to improve the environmental impact of demolition.  One way companies are adapting is by first removing recyclable products from buildings before they are destroyed.  Things like doors, windows, and asphalt shingles are able to be recycled if they are removed prior to demolition.

There is also a new type of demolition that has been developed and tested in Japan.  This new system, called Ecological Reproduction System or deconstruction for short, removes buildings from the top down instead of using explosives, wrecking balls, or bulldozers.  By doing this as much as 85% percent of construction waste is able to be kept out of landfills.   Not only is the waste greatly reduced, but they actually create energy by using special energy-generating cranes.

While the initial cost can be greater, companies definitely have incentives to be more environmentally conscious in their demolition.  By recycling more companies can save on the cost to dump materials in landfills (called tipping costs) and many areas are beginning to offer tax credits.  Some areas, such as San Diego, have made green demolition mandatory.  They do this by requiring a large deposit when a building permit is taken out.  The deposit is returned once the company as proven that at least 50% of all construction waste has been recycled.

Monday, October 6, 2014

What should I do to prepare my trees for winter?

As winter approaches there are some simple tips help your trees withstand the cold winter months. Regular tree maintenance should focus on removing the three D’s: dead, diseased, or damaged.  Each of these can stunt growth and even be a cause for a tree to die.  Trimming trees each spring and fall is great practice that will help keep them thriving.  When trimming trees that flower in the fall be cautious as the buds have already been formed.  Remember to always be safe and if needed hire professionals that have experience, especially when working with large trees.

Fall can be an ideal time for planting new trees as well.  As the temperatures cool it causes less stress on newly planted trees than it would when planting in the spring or summer.  This allows them to start taking root easier thus increasing their chance of surviving and growing.

Freshly planted or young trees can be especially vulnerable to the extreme climates of winter.  Putting a layer of mulch down once the ground has frozen can help trees fight off the elements.  Don’t put it right up the trunk.  Instead leave a small gap around the trunk to prevent moisture buildup.  Wrapping the base of a tree with burlap will also help.

By doing these few things in the fall you can help your trees to be ready to bloom better in the spring and reduce the amount of time required during the spring.